Another Gorgeous, Busy Day

Thank you so much for your very kind comments, stars and hearts on yesterday's Flame Skimmer! She'll be delighted, as am I!

It was a chilly start with a marine layer (clouds). I went for a walk, had a botanical garden meeting, and then drove to Vancouver to see my mom. She's very fragile now, and we don't play games anymore, and no more word games. But I read to her...a chapter in the middle of the book "Abdication" by Juliet Nicolson. Now I'll need to get the book - it seems fascinating.

The sun came out and it was a stunning afternoon - I wish I'd been able to be outside in the garden! 

Anyway, a quick grocery shopping and then back home for a late meeting and now (at 7 pm) just winding up at my computer. 

I saw this gorgeous clump of Erigeron glaucus or Seaside Daisy that I saw on my walk this morning. Very healthy looking clump! 

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