The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

A Shoe Of Love

Dear O'H dear & Lovely Tea Jenny,

Murphy is obsessed with shoes at the moment. Every time any of us goes out, even just to the garage or the outside bins, he has to welcome them back with a shoe.

It’s very sweet but it means that a lot of footwear is misplaced Both of my trainers were missing from the shoe rack. I found one and shouted upstairs to The Youngest Mini Princess, “Is one of my purple trainers up there?”

YMP: “No, have you tried the garden?”

Me: “That’s where I found the other one!”

It’s not the first time I’ve had to decide on different footwear because I’m in a hurry to go out. Or found a soggy trainer in the garden because it was missed in the end of day round up and was left in the rain all night.

I’m going to be start calling him Imelda Murphos!


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