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By LovePopcorn

...b Ro K En.....

Two broken legs on this recombinant bowl piece that we tried to repair at the greenware stage before it was fired to bisque.  
When fired in a kiln, clay become so hot that it is as soft as when first shaped from the wet clay.
The legs were so heavy that the mended joints couldn't hold the weight and they fell off during the first firing.
Now I must use a special scratching tool that one of the more experienced potters made and gave to me, and a special ceramic "slip" to try and fasten the legs for another firing.
Hopefully it will work.  
One of the more experienced potters in class had to mend a teapot lip FIVE times before it worked. (shudder)
I must hold the first leg in place and wait for the mended joint to dry completely (I'm guessing about 1/2 hour) before I can repair the second leg. Then I can return the bowl to class to be loaded in the kiln.  
(to be continued....)

people: Kevin
places: Oceanside, Allied Gardens, City Heights
particulars: made a Gingerbread Bundt cake, delivered it to Mum

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