A work in progress
A few days ago, I added an extra of work being done on Nerissa, the mermaid statue. I thought I'd stop today to see how the work is progressing. I talked with the woman standing in front of the statue. Her husband was planning to work on the statue today but was having car problems and was waiting in the parking lot for help to arrive. She was waiting for other workers to let them know what was happening. Quite a bit of work left to do, and I'll likely post another blip of the progress. The extra is a closer look that I'm posting in my other journal.
There were high winds overnight and this morning, and the cucumbers that have suddenly grown several inches were bent right over and needed some
TLC this morning. I told G that I could never be a farmer who depended on crops for her living, because I can barely handle seeing damage in my little garden! On the plus side, we didn't have any power outages. I thought for sure we would. I thought I heard a tree come down in the back so maybe tomorrow I'll investigate that.
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