
Everyone came over in the afternoon for a bbq to celebrate Josh’s birthday a few days ago.  Rebecca arrived with Sim and Nat. I gave her the biggest hug as she sobbed quietly into my shoulder and not letting go of me ;-( and she was very quiet during the afternoon but I’m glad she came.

Earlier in the day I received a message from Sim asking if O could stay over. I laughed and said I was expecting that message but yes, of course he could.  Without an afternoon nap, they bathed him and put him to bed very early.  This meant he woke during the evening. I brought him downstairs and just sat him quietly on our laps whilst watching Glastonbury. After about 45 minutes, I put him back down and he just laid there for ages chatting away to himself before eventually falling asleep.

I didn’t take any photos and these are Lucy’s (Josh in extra).

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