The Fritillaria.
A pretty nice working day today. I went to visit a garden project that I've been involved with since 2010. A very complicated steep site in the Murrayfield area of Edinburgh.
It was an 18 month build, and it got planted last year - from April right through to September. There are thousands of perennials, 6000+ bulbs, a couple of hundred shrubs as well as dozens of new trees. It was a great project to work on, and very hard work.
Today I was back visiting to see how it has fared over the winter. Dave - the gardener - and I spent a bit of time wandering around the garden together seeing how it all looks. He's been doing a fantastic job of looking after it and all the trees are about to burst in to leaf and flowers are starting to appear.
I couldn't resist a shot of this lovely - it's a bulb called Fritillaria persica. A really beautiful deep sumptuous purple colour, which looked stunning in the spring sunshine.
I'll be visiting this garden a lot over the year, so no doubt there will be many more pretty flowers appearing as Blips as they start appearing.
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