
After walking Django while they completed their packing, I drove A and K to the airport, where they took a flight to Amsterdam. They are both rowing for Portobello in the skiff racing World Championships. However A is camping at the event, and K is staying in a cheap Amsterdam hotel. Although she's 19, that might worry a parent, but the biggest thrill that Amsterdam has in store for her seems to be its fabric shops. And I don't think that's a ruse. Some friends of hers joke that she's 19, going on 65, but it rings true sometimes. When I dropped them off, I said, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!", but she knows that the last time I was there I shared a joint with И, so maybe she'll be a little adventurous!

Back home, it was another day of following cricket and athletics, and programming, because the dull and windy weather kept me out of the hills. In the evening I walked Django, and there was a bit of pretty light due to breaks in the cloud. The best came when we were in the beech woods, and there's a portrait of Django for his fans as an extra.

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