One life to live

By otornblom

A new era started...

... with the new keyboard! It's slim, beautiful and easy to type --- absolutely fantastic. It's funny how a relative small thing gives such a big joy! I'm sure finishing the essay will be a lot easier now. The old keyboard looks very bulky compared to the new one.

In Finland we have celebrated the Book and Rose Day today (also known as World Book and Copyright Day and International Day of the Book. It's organized by UNESCO to promote reading, publishing and copyright. Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare both died on 23 April.) If you bought a book or books with 10 euros or more today you got a free copy of a special book edition that's available only today. Of course I went to get one too! I bought a German study book for Leevi and a travel guide to Berlin, and got Jari Tervo's Jarrusukka for free. Actually I now have two Jarrusukkas since I couldn't find the study book from the first book store I visited. Someone will probably get the extra copy next Christmas :-)

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