all change...

By Isblip

Blackdown Rings

I started today with a run - trying to get my running mojo back after the Easter Bunny stole it.

I also had to do a Tesco run so to make that more bearable I went to Blackdown Rings first. This site was a large Iron Age hillfort which would have contained a small medieval castle and was the stronghold of a local chief.

It is also one of the most stunning and peaceful places to go for a walk and, if you time it right, full of bluebells. It also has some awesome trees, which have been shaped and moulded into amazing shapes by the weather. This particular one was covered in lichen and some of them are entirely covered in moss.

I took my sunburn (yes, sunburn! I read my book in the garden this afternoon) to parents evening tonight for my middle sized boy. He made us exceptionally proud and all the right things were said. All in all, another excellent day!

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