This seems to be a sparrowhawk tree as I have blipped a sparrowhawk on here before. It was here yesterday, but I was not quick enough.
What a sad night last night. Just out of the shower when a neighbour phoned to say a fox cub had been hit with a car. I pulled my clothes on over my PJ's and went down to the road, and there was one of Whitetail's little cubs dead. I was so upset. I went home (it was pouring) and got a bin bag and put the little cub in it. I decided I could not bury it in the garden as the mother would probable smell it and dig it up, so I got up really early this morning and took it to the Loch and laid in in the long grass. I am so upset, but best it was killed as it had a broken front leg and would have died a slow death. The only good thing was it lived in a safe walled garden and had lots of food every day (from me). RIP little one.
The extra is the Loch this morning.
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