Ingeborg suggested this week that we think about our favourite kind of abstract photo. The ones I like best are the chance finds, patterns, colours or textures I just happen to notice and try to frame. I guess that may simply be a lazy choice, something that feels easy; I often admire photos carefully set up or created through more complex editing than I ever tackle, but what gives me pleasure is noticing, framing and finding aesthetic appeal or some kind of resonance.
I decided this would be a good day to photograph the colours and patterns of an interesting large pebble from Dungeness with the macro lens, and one of these photos is my extra, but what I liked best today was the intensely contrasting dappled green shade as I passed between the overgrown shrubs to reach the washing line. I still had the macro lens, and played with manual focus to create an image with only a small plane in focus, enjoying the smudgy colours and points of light: "Glory be to God for dappled things...".
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