
I just love this photo. I was moaning at them that I needed a nice photo of them together, look at their united irritation at me. Nothing makes me happier than when I have them both together. We have had a smashing evening. My mum came on the bus, Clare a bit later in the train. I barbecued all of the meats and fishes on my newly restored bbq. Wills school report was closely inspected, Daisy gets away with just a “don’t know” for when her exam results come out. I laughed a lot at everything.

Not least at when planning my and Clare’s trip to Silverstone next Friday (I know, I’m hugely excited). I’m driving, I asked what the entertainment would be. We shall be singing says my sister, straight back and without hesitation.

It’s a three hour drive. I suggested she dig out some podcasts too.

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