In asynchronus mode..

By Mobius

Chartreuse Mohican

..on top of the haha at Brackenhurst today, brought me instant joy. A quick snap as with  my dog walking buddy. You can just make out the dry stone wall top left of thumbnail.

Another day, another super friendly cafe worker. She invited Enzo into the cafe. Off the lead he loved all the attention from those inside; I did ask first! She later came out and asked if she could fuss him herself.

Village Pub
The parish councillor who submitted their green article for the newsletter was sitting in the same group as me outside last night. He did ask the editor if anyone else had submitted an article (prior to us doing so). He'll be in a for a surprise (if my mild mannered co-agitator, doesn't let them know first). In my view we shouldn't but he's the front man and he has his own style.

I'm feeling so much more relaxed now we've taken public action to canvas village views.

Music (niche listening)
Playing this ambient experimental analogue synthesizer album a lot currently.  A recent discovery from BBC Radio 6. Cool artist name too!

Rival Consoles: Howl – Morning Vox 

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