
A super day in paradise. I went off on the boat with some of the other residents to be dropped at Croulin for a walk back across the Knoydart peninsula to Inverie. It was a really pleasant walk along the shore and then up and over a very green valley before dropping back into Inverie, where we sat in the pub garden on the shoreline eating our packed lunches and watching the world go by, whilst waiting for our “lift” (also in the boat) back to Doune. As I was walking Mr A let me know that he had been watching otters swimming in the Doune bay, which was something of a disappointment to the person who had trekked across boggy ground to an observation post just above the otters’ holt. Sadly, they were not at home…. 

On arrival back at Doune, a few of us went swimming, and the sun deigned to come out for that, making the air much more pleasant. The day improved as it went on, and there was a pretty decent sunset over Skye (see extra).

We noted the arrival of two yachts on the moorings in the bay. People were ferried onto land by Bob, the 12 year old dinghy man. Several of the people arriving had musical instruments, and it turned out that they were up for an impromptu session after dinner, and they were joined by Wallace, who works here and plays the cello (quite a cellist - trained at the Royal Conservatoire) and one of the volunteers who also did a turn. One of Mr A’s poems was read out. There was dancing and singing and eventually at 11.30 as things were drawing to a conclusion, the lights went out! (As scheduled). I took this picture as we tumbled outside to walk back to our room. Quite a night. I’m not sure how the musicians got back to their boat (in the twilight) but Bob the 12 year old dinghy man was standing by wearing his usual garb of woolly hat, yellow cagoule and waterproof trousers. It would have been quite magical to slide across the waters out to the yachts in those twilight conditions.

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