Bake me some bread

Today was the last day of school! At 11 the families were all welcomed in and there were activities in the playground to do with your kids - arts and crafts, games, cakes to buy (that we'd all made yesterday - I didn't dare send in the 'wonky cakes'!) It was just lovely to natter with the teachers and get to know some of them better...including the American language assistant who's from Seattle. In fact she may well come to Cana Club!
Home for cooking and cleaning in preparation for team dinner and Bible. Alice came over at 3 to make focaccia with the kids, whilst the dough was proving she took them off to go forage for rosemary. The delicious bread went with ratatouille, and then a tarte tatin with plums a friend gave me yesterday. Mitch came and joined in with everything which was lovely. Good to chat over the podcast we've all listened to this week. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A quiet, clean and peaceful house after dinner for 11.
2) The kids school. It really is something special, a hidden gem...hidden behind it's bad reputation because of the area it's in.
3) Time with Stef before the school party fun started. 

Extra of the kids on on their last days in P4 and 5°. 

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