Shape & texture
I could happily spend hours photographing interesting shapes, - patterns on stone, rocks at the seaside, crumpled petals/seed heads. I don't know why I say could, I have. When hubby went off playing golf a few days at a time when we were living in Thailand, I would jump on my scooter & go exploring, often arriving at beaches at the end of a track. No idea where I was, but having a pretty good sense of direction, never getting lost. I can do the same back here in sometimes sunny Devon. The simple things in life :-)
Hubby has to go for his pre op check up tomorrow afternoon. Fingers crossed there will be no hiccups. Operation on Monday. Phew!! No PCR at the race course required, just two lateral flows to be done at home "I'll do one tomorrow, I'm not doing one on Monday" (day of op). I find the aggression, or is it depression?, very difficult to deal with.
Another dentist visit this morning, 2 more to go then I should be able to smile :-)
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday #mykindaabstract
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