Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Street Scene. No kilts. No hunks.

Well, the impending sore throat/heid cold has not eventuated. A day in bed, dosing up with pills all day has knocked it on the head tonsils. Thanks for all your good wishes!

It's sunny outside, but still a bloomin' chilly wind, so I was loathe to venture out, but I muffled up and had my hood on over my hat when walking down to Uncle A's. He looks a lot perkier, but isn't using his arm at all much. It is now a delicate shade of mauve. Not dark purple any more.

I went to the supermarket to get some essentials - he's very easy to shop for - then did a bit of ironing and few wee jobs for him. When I got the bus into town, I was sitting behind two elderly ladies who were loudly talking about all their ailments/pills/treatments etc. They had covered just about every organ and limb by the time I got out. But they were laughing and chortling the whole way.

I got off at the High Street, not wanting to spend too much time out in the wind. I was searching for any handsome hunks/men in kilts to blip. Nope.

The woman with the most piercings in the world was there, but she's tetchy about sneaking photos of her. And it's not a pretty sight.

I settled for the emergency street scene. I liked the way everyone was spaced out. As in - 'not near each other'. No aspersions being cast!

As I was sitting at the bus stop, an elderly woman tapped my arm and said, 'I DO like your hat!' After several comments yesterday as well, I think my hat should have a blip of its own! This has been running through my head since then. It can run round yours now too!

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