Post-swim snack

Swimming is great at the moment, they go down there in their swimmers and home in pj's - perfect.  And no cold, dark evenings to deal with.  The downside is I really dislike sitting on the side lines in the warmth and humidity and generally come back half asleep! Milk and freshly made biscuits straight after swimming this evening. 

Found out this morning that a lot of the work I did yesterday didn't save, super annoying.  It was relatively quick to re-write and I did a better job of it.  This part of the dissertation is super boring, writing about research methods and I have zero interest in it.  Tomorrow is lined up to spend most of the day researching about, research to add in all the back-up references for everything I wrote today.  It's a backwards way of doing it, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds the research to fit what is being said! 

Today I'm grateful for: 
A better re-write of the lost work.  The computer isn't auto saving as I can only autosave to the cloud, and I haven't got my work stored there and can't face re-filing everything! 
Another beautiful sunny day, it was too hot to have dinner outside! 
Watching the boys swim, they've come on really well recently

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