1000 blips!

My 1000th blip!

Thanks to all who take an interest in my very ordinary journal of a Scottish family. I love finding a blip everyday although with our weather it can be challenging. Thank you to JohnD and Rona, my constant blip companions.

It is great to hear how you are all doing and what is happening in your lives . Some exciting times ahead for some of my blip friends this year!!

In our family too we have Fiona and Lyall's wedding in June. The ongoing fun of watching Ali and Phil's two beautiful children Euan and Eve grow and develop. Following Andy's band too with news of gigs, recordings etc. (Thanks Andrew for helping with this blip!)

Special mention must go to the two wee spaniels in the family, Rona and Isla, who are very often my emergency blips and seem to be very popular!

Keep blipping, everyone!

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