Catching up

After falling behind terribly (again) I spent a happy couple of hours this morning going through journals and starting to look at the MonoMonday entries. I was so pleased with myself for getting up to date that I completely forgot to blip!

Took Phin to the woods behind DalhousieCastle again, it’s such a nice walk but a little fraught on the path in as it’s pretty overgrown at the moment and the nettles are almost elbow high. We were both pretty wiped out when we got back as although cloudy, it was quite warm.

Pork and apple casserole for dinner went down a treat and I found enough time this evening to finish joining the back of my crochet cardigan together. Slightly daunted by the hundreds of ends to weave in but I’ll get there.

Came up to bed and was drifting off to sleep when I realised I hadn’t taken a single shot so sadly no solstice pictures but instead a wee brooch I inherited from my mum which sits in a box on the bookcase. Thanks to jensphotos for hosting.

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