A view from the sink
Quite a good sunny day until mid-afternoon when it clouded over. Spent a lot of the day outside, pricking out (even) more white foxgloves, planted out three Peltoboykinia watanabei on the bank underneath my group of three young Cordyline australis and potted up a few other plants which will all go out on the bank one day!
My Blip today is of a combination of a Deutzia which was already here when we came - a fairly large specimen which I think is Deutzia scabra 'Candidissima', a lovely double white - and a group of Lithodora diffusa 'Heavenly Blue' which was planted earlier this year. This is the view from the kitchen sink!
I've just been out to collect the last three panes of glass for the glasshouse, driving home very carefully from the glazier in case of emergency stops or potholes! Two of them went straight into the glasshouse door and the third, which is for the roof, will have to wait until I can make a few longer clips.
Today's extra is of a sweet wee fieldmouse which appeared on the bank beneath the bird feeder. It was some distance away, so I'm surprised it turned out as sharp as it has.
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