Nature in all its glory
I was making a late coffee and looked out to see this beauty munching on seeds, the camera was on zoom and taken through a window and not as sharp as I thought.
I haven’t cut around this area and can see the benefits, this particular spot is a visiting place for Bullfinch, Mrs was nearby and a youngster flew on to washing line, sadly not caught on camera. This is the third year running we have seen the family out here.
When talking on the phone earlier I spotted a mouse walking across the kitchen floor …… one of those cute round eared mice. After finishing the call a minute later and armed with a pair of wellies it was rescued and placed outside, we think it would be puss cat pressy from Bobbiegirl who has a knack of bringing them in live, possibly for us or for the other cats.
Early early this morning she arrived making the most beautiful? loud wowing sound, obviously very pleased with her catch. John leapt into action with the wellies and popped it outside. A rude awakening to say the least. And not content with that there was evidence of another mouse, not as lucky, it’s innards in the hall way. Possibly caught by Rory.
Jack and Grey boy must be wandering, this is day three without either calling in, don’t they know how I worry!?
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