
You’ll be surprised to hear I didn’t do a lot today - I had a relaxed morning with the paper.

While Mr C braved the heat in the garden I went to the village to collect my prescription which the chemist had been unable to provide last week. I bought a card to congratulate Jack (Linda’s son) and Jemma on the north of their son Noah in Copenhagen. Linda is desperate to get over there to see him, but the parents want “bonding” time. The paternity leave there is wonderful. Linda had invited me for blue cake to celebrate - I imagined wrongly that she’d be more gender-neutral - anyway, as is the case with all her food, it was delicious.

I trudged up the hill in the heat and collapsed with my book on my lounger and apart from making this tasty tomato polenta thing for our meal (from Saturday’s Guardian) I read my book. It’s a police procedural by Elly Griffiths set in Norfolk. An undemanding holiday read as befits a hot day.

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