secret garden

By freespiral

Jungle June

This is what happens after no mow May! A riot of feverfew, ragged robin, nasturtiums and day lilies. Actually it's nothing to do with no mowing, just the normal state of my herb beds! They smell good though.
A beautiful day - 21C and a gentle breeze, just right  - thinking of the horrendous temperatures in parts of Spain and France, 
Thank you for all your good wishes. The cough seems to have cleared and now the nose is streaming. I reckon all will be good tomorrow. 

Now.... inspired by another blipper who put a shout out for a house sitter, I am doing the same. As you know we are off to New Zealand at the very end of August and returning in the second week of October - approximately six weeks. Would anyone fancy coming to look after the house, occasionally mow the grass and regularly humour our very good natured and undemanding cat? A highly scenic area near the sea, good walking, swimming, archaeology and interesting weather! Not many shops in fairness and things will be starting to quieten down then. A car would be needed as there's no public transport beyond Bantry. Yes I know the last time we went we had a somewhat extended stay but hopefully all will go according to schedule this time! Nearest airport Cork, but we are not far from Shannon and Kerry International (that always makes me giggle, it's minute) and Dublin is do-able with a longish drive straight down the M8.  You can contact me here if you're interested. 

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