Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze


Back blip by one day. 

Arrived back in Bcn well after midnight and by the time we got to bed and to sleep it was after 2.00am. It feels a bit cooler here than Madrid. Let's not mention the humidity.  Our tomato and pepper plants survived our absence, helped I think by our having moved them into the shade and left some of these tubs of 'gel' in the soil.  The huerta urbana with our other veggies had suffered a bit, but hopefully nothing lost.  All other plants were ok, apart from one, which we think is a lost cause now. 

Unpacked, watering done, and then a walk was needed with some head space to ponder on something that happened over the weekend, which involved a good friend and freelance work. The joys of being a freelancer and this gig industry. 

I noticed a poster advertising a day of circus events near us and so we wandered in that direction when we went out for a walk.  Far too hot to watch for longer than a few minutes, but nice to see people of all ages enjoying the atmosphere.

Pasta for dinner on the terrace of the Italian's round the block. 

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