cupcakes and jellytots

By featherduster

"when you get the choice"

And so begins a major case of back-blipping! :(

This was the quote on my desk calendar today when I returned to work and it couldn't be more appropriate!

When Dad was here he made the comment that I have my own life in Dundee now - something that none of us ever thought would happen way back in 1st year when homesickness was controlling me!

However, since dad said this it has been troubling me. Dundee is somewhere that because of all the bad memories it holds from the beginning of my uni life, I don't think I could ever fully settle here. And I guess, as far as I'm concerned, I don't have a life here.

I have a job.....I wouldn't consider that to be a life! I still see Dundee as the waiting room before a move back to N.Ireland for work, etc. It will never be home.

I have a great group of friends here....but the ones that I am closest too keep leaving and only visit for a maximum 9 months every year when uni is on and then they disappear again!

So as the summer looms, and my friends leave for 3 months, time to decide what it is that I want....right now! And if that means taking a step into the unknown and moving on from here then so be it!

Life is too short not to be happy with where you are, who you're with and what you're doing!

# I hope you dance - Ronan Keating #

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