You Know Your're A Redneck When

you own one of these!!!! (Jeff Foxworthy The hubby and a fellow worker had been talking about trikes (remember the VW trike he was working on-not finished yet?) - well her father built this trike before he passed away from a VW Rabbit Engine & front end with all automatic shifting. The front forks are from a Yamaha - it even has a tool box on the back and it will run 65 miles per hour or so we have been told. I promise to take a better photo of it as soon as it gets off the trailer. Well needless to say the hubby really wanted this - the fellow worker was looking for a laptop which the hubby told her I conveniently had and didn't use very much. Well he didn't lie about that, I have an older laptop which works decently enough but not fast enough for my photos - so they made a trade - laptop for homemade trike and trailer. Everyone at work has laughed and talked about this thing all day long - but in all honesty, I'm looking forward to taking a spin around the neighborhood on it. I think it 'll be fun!!! YeeHaw!!!!

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