This Is The Kit

I take the bus into town and meet Kerry at Nicholson Square. There’s a raspberry and polenta cake, in pieces, in the passenger footwell. I have a quick snack.

First stop, Vicky’s for chat and soup. Then down to Porty to “check-in” to Linda’s flat. She’s still at work, so we head for the Espy to start the evening off with beers with Marine and Katy and kids.

Some Thai food to keep us going. The 26 bus to get us to The Old High School. And it’s almost time for TITK to come on. Tom G and Sam are there. As are Andy and Dolly. And hundreds more.

It’s a great set, mostly from Moonshine Freeze, but we get a few classics too. I wanted to buy Neil’s solo album, but they’re sold out.

Then downstairs for some She Band Rave Unit. Dry ice, coloured lights and thumping dance music. From which we escape to an orchestra with harps and other strings playing in the central chamber.

The 26 takes us back to Linda’s. Her and Sandra are chatting at the kitchen table. We join them, and the night slips into dawn.

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