Once again I woke early, but today the weather was glorious. So, I took a tour of a different area of the island where our hostel-boat is berthed. It was cool and calm as I wandered the attractive streets and parks (see extra). Back at the boat, I'd finished breakfast before И had got up, and she ran it close to the checkout deadline!
After depositing our luggage at the central railway station, we took the short bus ride out to the city's theme park. It's very compact, but with good rides - И is a connoisseur - and fine views of the city. Some were only fleeting, as the ride then hurtled down! I broke new ground Turf-wise, with a zone that could only be taken by roller-coaster! After a burger and chips, we left for the airport and the flight back to Scotland. For work, tourism and fun, it's been a great four days.
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