Life to the full75

By Lifetofull

Lack of inspiration

Sorry, was stuck with my blip today but didn't want to miss a day so here is a photo of my very full fridge. Monday is shopping day and I mistakenly was in such a hurry to get the job done that I skipped the task of checking what I already got first.

When I returned with the shopping my Mum was home and she had the enviable job of loading the fridge because I took one look and didn't know where to start! I think she shook her head in despair.

I did house work today and spent some time in the Soundabout office, I was trying to get sorted for start of term but instead got side tracked, got the Children in Need monitoring report form finished instead so that at least was job well done.

Choir tonight was lots of fun, Hannah came to play for us, thoughts are with Stuart as he is with his Mum as she recovers from a stroke. Praying for you Stuart.

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