Cranky quilt
Can you spot the health hazard on the photo?*
Browsing on the internet (as you do) I came across the pattern for a Cranky Quilt. Despite the fact that I already have more than enough projects, I felt it suited my mood, so bought and downloaded the instructions, and yesterday I made a start by cutting out 63 4 inch squares.
Today, I fastened them together in threes, and then fastened three strips to make nine patch squares. But then comes the cranky bit - you cut nine inch squares on the "huh" - as we say in Norfolk (on the wonk). I've so far completed 3 squares. Four more to make, then I'll fasten them together with some neutral fabric strips between. Then to tackle the cranky stars.
I think I'm going to enjoy making this.
Before allowing myself to start on it today, I cleaned the bits of the shower and bathroom that never get loved - including we took out the concertina door from the shower, so I was able to clean the track, and the underside of the door. W has made a start on removing the sealant - a miserable job. He expects to finish it tomorrow, then we can put in new sealant.
*I've not put up the guard on the rotary cutter - major cutting hazard.
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