The rest of forever...

By DrMac


Hey Mum...tell those girls to slow down, they move so fast and I can't see very gets me all confused!

I cracked my filling yesterday and I woke this morning with a moon face and watery eyes. And I was in a stinking mood. Managed to drag my arse around the morning walk and off the gym, do my workout and get to work without murdering someone. I went to talk to Claire to make me chuckle...she always knows how to snap me out of anything...normally by abusing me!

A really busy day. I cancelled some of those extra appointments so that I don't work myself to an early grave before I've even started. Managed to get a dentist appointment for tomorrow afternoon so I hope to feel more chipper by then. Stayed late to get lots of work done and was home just after six, feeling much more positive. Just written the first draft of my ICT vision and I'll be falling into bed about half nine. It is very cold so I may need to put the blanket on. The dogs currently have the fan heater on - I make the sunroom into a sauna and then they sleep all night through!

Didn't hear from you today, guessing the internet was wobbly. Hope you got my emails?x

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