Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

Had a Bad Day

Up date on Eco Dad.

Yesterday back at hospital for a check with the Throat Specialist. That went well but Eco Dad has to go back on Thursday for more checks then if all else fails it will have to be drained. Unfortunatly circumstances over took us as Eco Dad ended up in hospital that night as the infection became worse he ended up on a drip and getting pumped full of antibiotics.

Today they finally had to operate and we found out that it was an abscess after all. I'm glad to say that he is looking a lot better although he will remain in hospital over the next few days to get rid of all the infection and for more tests.

I'd like to thank everyone for there kind comments and I will try and keep his blip upto date. I'm under strick orders.

Eco Mum.

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