Living my dream

By Mima


Having had an easy time choosing yesterday’s Blip, today was much more of a challenge.

This one of huge ocean swells rolling towards the Oamaru coastline, just won out over the extras. I’ve never seen such regularity of swell before. It has been created by the departing weather system which gave NZ a battering until a couple of days ago.

Extra 1 was taken from Cape Wanbrow: line after line of swell as far as the eye can see.

Extra 2 shows the fabulous lenticular cloud stacks and the moon which were on display when we walked in Enfield first thing.

It was another town day. I was due to meet an acquaintance for morning coffee. She forgot for the second time in two weeks. I was not amused. But it did mean that Bean and I had a lovely walk at Cape Wanbrow - complete with Blips - to while away the time before my physio appointment.

The physio has signed me off. She’s happy that I will continue to do the exercises for 10 weeks, and then keep up a maintenance regime for a while after that, at my discretion.

Even better news is that the hip x-ray done last week shows almost no sign of OA in either hip. All the discomfort I’ve been suffering has been entirely due to the hamstring tendon, which is what I’ve been seeing the physio about, and which is fixable.

I’m celebrating with a large cup of tea and an evening with a book.

Bean is celebrating under a blanket.

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