
By Beewriter

Ant Eater

The good news is I managed to get a dental appointment today.
The bad news is I have to go back again for treatment.

I whizzed to the dentist at break time and he said it is a bit of the tooth that has chipped off and not the filling. At first he was going to repair it but then decided to put a temporary patch on and redo the whole filling at a later date. So I now have a twenty minute appointment booked for the 13th May...gulp!

One of the little lads in prep 1 greeted me this morning with his mum. He had brought in chocolate covered giant ants. "We know you are always game for a laugh and a challenge," said mum, "Lyall thinks you will eat one". I have to say the thought repulsed me, but I don't like to be defeated by a six year old. I had the class for art this afternoon and it took me all lesson to psyche myself up.

It felt a bit like I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here but I did it. It wasn't particularly pleasant...a dark chocolate taste followed by crunchy ant. At least it didn't break another tooth.

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