Bee’s Bum!

I haven’t taken many photos today but at least I have a bit of an excuse. I had an ophthalmologist appointment this morning which entailed eye drops. So for most of the afternoon my eyesight was fuzzy and I was not tolerant of sunlight. Accordingly I could not drive. 
MaggieD and I took the bus to the old Stirling hospital but the return journey went bad. No bus driver so it was going nowhere. We ended up on a two bus Tiki tour, long way round for a short cut and were away for over four hours. At least Chloe was pleased to see us home again!
Anyway, this evening, as our little lodgers have flown the nest box, I took it down to clean it out. Sadly, there were five dead chicks inside. Since we saw at least four come out, that makes a brood of nine eggs!
Still feel sorry for the tiny little things that didn’t make it.

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