Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr

Crunch Time

Vets at 17:00 so blipping early as I don't know what state I'll be in when I get back.

He's eating but I'm so worried about him!

If all goes well I might add words later.

If all goes badly I might add words later!


Tabs had lost more weight when he was weighed, another 200g approximately so in total he has gone from 4.5kg to less than 3kg.

The tumour obviously hasn't reduced in size by enough as he's only picking at his food still so the passage is obviously still severely restricted.

Unfortunately there were no results from the test because the samples were corrupted with blood. The good thing though is there were were no cancer cells of any sort floating around in the samples so whatever is in there isn't at that stage.

He goes in for his operation in the morning - the 24th.

The vet has said that she'll x-ray him once he's fully sedated and look for any abnormalities; lumps etc. If she finds any she'll not go any further as there won't be any point. If there aren't she'll carry on and open him up. If at that stage she finds there are signs of the cancer in other placers she'll seek permission from us to allow him to gently pass over as otherwise he'll be waking up in pain and suffering with only a limited time left anyway.

If all is clear she'll go ahead and attempt to remove the tumour and hopefully then he'll be ok.

So many if's, possibly's and options that I'm sick and dizzy with it all.

At the end of the day, there's always the remote possibility that we're all worrying for nothing and that it isn't a malignant tumour. That's the hope that the family is clinging to.

The majorly sad thing is that our son who is devoted to Tabs has his OU exams in the afternoons of today and tomorrow so as well as worrying about them he'll be worrying about Tabs!!! Life stinks sometimes!!

Sorry, I've just realised I've referred to Bardy as Tabs throughout the writing above that's because he is called both names at home and we all regularly swap from one to the other whenever we speak of him.

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