Today is a good day.

I’ve been offered a job. It’s a place I’ve worked before as a dental nurse, I went for the role of receptionist - but they really wanted me back as a nurse. I didn’t think I wanted to nurse again. But then I thought about it, I can do that job really well, it’s easy, it fits in. It’s three days a week and it’s a good rate of pay. The only reason I left - a strange aggressive bloke I worked with - he’s gone! My notice has gone in.

Sometimes things happen for a reason. And this one is also a saving grace. Health care assistant in the community is not for me. And well done and hats off to anyone who does a nursing community role. It’s not easy. My raised blood pressure is testament to that.

The four new arrivals are yet to surface. But the inter web says it takes 72 hours and 15 minutes for them to reappear. So that will be tomorrow at 13:35.

When I’m at work.

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