
By cracker

Cup of tea?

We walked to school this was lovely. It was a beautiful blue sky day, about 21C this morning and got up to about 27C!

Joti and I walked home after taking Spence to school then we did the food shopping then I made a chicken pie for tea tonight while Joti had her sleep. I tried to mop the floor while Joti was up but it just wasn't working! She either wanted to be playing with the bucket of water or else be exactly where I was and slipping over in where I had mopped! I did some then gave up and left the rest for Kaz to do when I went out!

Joti had her 12 month ummunisations this afternoon. It was three needles, one in each arm and one in the thigh. She did so well, no crying, no flinching, nothing! She was amazing! The nurse also weighed and measured her!

So at 12 months and 2 weeks, Joti is 79cm tall, 10.46 Kg and her head circumference is 46.5cm. She is in the 98th percentile for height and weight but that's ok! I am about 6foot and the donor is 5 foot 10 so it looks like she will be tall!

We went and picked spence up from school, came home then went to the park with the soccer ball so Spence could practice for his carnival on the weekend!

Joti got a late birthday present from Nat, one of our friends from school today and it was a cool tea set! They both loved playing with it! Spence went and took Kaz a cup of tea and biscuits into her office for her! It was very cute!

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