Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

In an English country garden

We did the local garden safari today, when people raise money for charity by letting you see their gardens, make tea and cake, and sell you raffle tickets. Great fun and we clocked up 18,000 steps (yes, we were exhausted and footsore afterwards). This was my favourite, a 16th century cottage at the other end of the village. 

I came home and cut the grass but we don’t really have green fingers and couldn’t compete. Maybe next year.

Today was mostly sunny and hot at times.

The news is unremittingly gloomy. Global warming. Ukraine. Rising prices. Our terrible government (not just Boris but the whole second rate and wildly right wing Tory cabinet). Collapse of public services. Unbridled consumption. The sheer nastiness of many people.

Maybe I’ll stop reading and just do the garden instead. Flowers for the apocalypse …

PS I’ve always been quite an optimistic person so I need to get my positive mojo back … apparently being optimistic can give you an extra four years of life …


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