The Last Hurrah
Katherine, the new graduate, was overwhelmed at the response her photo received on Saturday.
I don't usually respond to stars and hearts as it takes me all my available time to comment on other blips. However on this occasion and on behalf of daughter#3, I would like to thank all you commenters, especially as she was in the Spotlight, a position she loves, being after all exactly in the middle of the family, not the eldest, not the youngest and not the only daughter. What's not to like about a little Spotlight attention?
While in Edinburgh, she is staying with daughter #1 and has such a busy schedule visiting friends that it is going to be difficult to spend time with her before she returns to Oman tomorrow.......... with a pair of my shoes...... not the pink ones though, and certainly not with her balloon, although it might on reflection be happy to float above the overhead lockers or provide some decelerating power on landing in Muscat.
The family gathering was reinstated yesterday as threatened, but thankfully not in the Dower House. We managed to claim the long table in Peter's Yard for coffee and kuchen. We were missing the Yorkshire branch of the family who headed back south early, but it still made a formidable invasion of the available space in the cafe and no doubt boosted their coffers substantially.
His Lordship is in pain . He pulled a muscle in his back after the party. He can't remember how it happened, but I imagine divine retribution comes into it somewhere. I was not sympathetic yesterday, but I am today.
There's a limit to the punishment a man deserves for over-enjoying himself.
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