Odd Sort Of Day

Like working by remote control!
The rugby club AGM is Friday evening and given the number of club officials not attending I suspect that it’s going to be a monologue. I have already prepared the H&S Report, not easy reading, and now Dave wants me to write the facilities report so we met for a coffee, me with pad & pencil to hand to take notes. This report will also not be easy reading the club is aware of what’s wrong and just need to see it in black & white.
I suspect a good proportion of the meeting will be spent on the upcoming 150 celebrations, some within the club have put in a great deal of time and effort into rebranding but given the experience of our near neighbours Penryn during their celebration period where one by one events were cancelled due to a poor response by members we need to temper the ambitions with a little realism.
The world is a vastly different place than it was three years ago, even six months ago, people have different priorities and are ‘tightening their belts’. With money becoming short as a club we need to taper our expectations to what the members want and can afford.

An hour with Richard & Jackie whilst picking up Thursdays BBQ ingredients followed by an hours rowing with Epic in the evening was about all I did all day.

I’m still digesting last nights meeting, I have no idea how long it went on for after I left and shall have to wait until I receive a copy of the minutes to find out if we are making any progress.

Todays photo, a rough shelter in Tregoniggie Woods.

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