Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

Learn to Fly

It's a sight that we normally never get to see but it was great that we managed to get the timing right and see the first of the fledglings leave the nest box and take its first "tentative steps" into the wider world.

Looked after for a number of weeks by its parents, it was time for the young to leave the nest. 

The first one made its way onto the  top of the nest box, checking out its new surroundings and then, using the talls plants underneath as cover, we watched it take its first flight - a short distance at first under the watchful gaze of mum and dad and then it was gone - never to return to where it was born.

A young Blue Tit learning to fly - there can only be one soundtrack to accompany it and you can listen to it Here!!

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