Wynter and Bella

Oh my word .... I don't think the kittens knew what hit them today!!!! 

They'd already been pretty riled up even before the family arrived, but there was no chance of any sleeping/rest while the kids were here.

The kids loved Bella and Monty and just wouldn't leave them alone, despite being bitten once!  Monty had just about had enough, and understandably so.  

Good to see the fam again here and we lit the fire outside as well, as it is quite cold at the moment.

We'd originally invited everyone round for scones and tea but Jon wanted to do a BBQ dinner as well, so we invited them to stay.  He'd bought all the meat and cooked it all for us, very nice it was too.

Bruce felt quite unwell before dinner was ready, so Patti took him home.  A slight touch of food poisoning, don't know from where, cause everyone else seemed absolutely fine.

Here's Wynter-Rose with Bella.

They slept very well tonight!

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