Views of my world

By rosamund


The children came home tonight. I took this shot on the way home from picking them up in Glasgow, there was a heavy rain shower as we passed Langbank which created an enormous rainbow but by the time I could stop at a spot to look up river there was only a tiny trace of it left. It's always so good to have the children home, I liked it best when they came back in time for dinner but now that it's later in the evening we make do with a cup of tea and a blether before the Sunday night routines take over.

I had a lovely day today, long lie (compared to last two mornings) then a fab afternoon at West Kilbride spinning at the busiest Guild meeting we've ever had. There was a lot of knitting, spinning, warping and weaving going on all helped along by cups of tea and great chat.

When I got home the biggest treat awaited me as Carlos had made a homemade pizza from scratch, all by himself! It was delicious and so nice that we could eat together before heading off to bring the children home. It's been a busy weekend and I wish I had another day off but I'm so enthused from yesterday I don't mind going to work so I can put some ideas into action!

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