Chevron Long Wharf

I’m in a hot car traveling to Santa Barbara with Dana and Jim and Will for Peter’s graduation tomorrow. At the rate we’re going we might make it in time!

We got stuck on the Richmond Bridge for an hour. Not my place of choice to get stuck…the good news is that we were on the lower deck of the bridge so there was some shade. The bad news is we were on the lower deck of the bridge with traffic rumbling overhead and visions of when part of the top deck fell on the cars below running through my head.

I had a good view of the Chevron Wharf as we waited for traffic to move. There were several tankers there so I suppose there must be some oil somewhere….not a great shot because of the bridge railing but I liked the glimpses of the City in the background. John used to go out to the cafeteria on the Long Wharf where the food was plentiful and good. I doubt if it is even there anymore.

I just got a text from my neighbor Cindy with a picture of our turkey visitor. I was wondering why we hadn’t seen her lately. Apparently the big guy made quite an impression because she was in Cindy’s back garden with a bunch of tiny babies….

So that’s the news from hour five in the back seat of the car somewhere in the Salinas Valley….

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