Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

Riding my bike

Elizabeth's first proper bike! She's had a balance bike but was never really interested in it. I don't think she *got* it.

But she loves her bike! She even had a fall and went straight back on it! And she got very angry if we tried to help her with a little push now and again. She was so determined to do it all herself! This is actually quite unusual of her. She tends to lose interest in toys fairly quickly. Although other activities she can become quite obsessive about. I'll be glad if she continues to be as determined with the bike anyway.

We had a lovely walk with her along the Griston path again. It was fun to spot the geocachers looking for our caches! Very busy path though.

Rebecca's words now include:
* ow - when I brush her hair, even though it doesn't hurt. She's just copying Elizabeth
* daddy
* that
* downstairs
* Elizabeth - you can tell that's what she's saying when she says it, but it changes a little each time
* daddy
* up
* down
* out
* no
* hello - especially when pretending to be on the phone. She sounds a bit like a drunk talking on the phone. Makes me think of old Billy Connolly sketches.

She pointed at her nappy yesterday and said what really sounded like "I poo" and she had!

We're also getting lots of nodding and shaking heads, but that's not new.
She's also screaming (quietly) sometimes when she's very happy or unhappy!
She can be a bit of a cry baby. Just try saying no firmly to her and you'll see....

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