Bedtime story

I slept in the sitting room last night as DN1 and her BF stayed the night with Matty - and I snore.....

I slept really well with Bella until I was woken up by Matty at what I thought was 7am. I stayed in bed until my usual 7.30 when I got Bella up, took her out for a wee, fed her, watched TV and looked at my phone for an hour - wondering why no one had surfaced yet. I then realised I had looked at the kitchen clock wrong and I had got up at 5.30!!! What an idiot!!! Bella must have wondered what on earth I was doing dragging her out for a walk at stupid o'clock!!!!


I took Matty to toddler group wiht DN2. They had a great time. Mr W and Bella left for Lady Lindas, Spencer was working in the spare room and DN1 went to work. DN2 then came back to the cabin for a few hours with Jasper. Both boys were really tired from their mornings excitement so DN2 tried to read them a story and get them off to sleep on my bed on the floor and neither of them were having any of it so after lunch we got them off to sleep in the pram! They took it in turns.  

DN2 then left and I took Matty for a walk in the back pack. He was making fish noises in my ear each time we passed the lake. It was adorable.

Spencer then left at 4pm to go home with Matty and I have a few hours to myself until Mr W and Bella get home but think I should have had a little sleep myself. I'm shattered!!!!!!

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