
Back in the graveyard, this morning we removed some turf, under which we suspected there was a lost memorial as there was an area of different coloured grass (I had obtained permission from the church warden to do so). At first it seemed that there were just two blank stone slabs, however, after applying some water it became apparent there were faint inscriptions on them.

Much squinting, some more water and the application of chalk and soil later, we managed to ascertain that these were the graves of Walter Islip and his wife, Mary. It turns out Walter was rector of the church from 1785-1805, so it’s good to have found them.

Now I’m waiting for the church warden and current vicar to decide if they would like to keep the gravestones uncovered. Personally, I think it would be nice if we did. That’s just a glove in the middle, by the way ;)

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