
By rogier64

Cirrocumulus stratiformis

Today I wanted to Blip about the karate tournament, the Agerbeekcup, my youngest son T played. But the pictures didn't bring what I hoped for. My son was a bit unlucky this time, but nevertheless managed to get a 3rd place with the individual kata. His karateclub SKCA won the overall title. (And Citygarden, where was B?)
So, also because of all the nice comments about my cloudblips, I decided to go for another one!
On my way back from the tournament I spotted some beautiful Cirrocumulus lenticularis, but I couldn't stop the car to take a picture. Because of the temporarily nature of these clouds, they were disappeared when I arrived home.
These somewhat stretched and prolonged clouds, as seen this late afternoon from my garden, are called Cirrocumulus stratiformis. This type of cloud always occurs in thin layers. There can be spaces or rifts between the individual cloudlets in the layer.
Cirrocumulus is a type of cloud that may arise in an initially clear part of the (blue) sky.
Mostly they indicate a change in the whether, possible with rain.
So, when in Amsterdam, take your umbrella!

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